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2023 – The Favorites
fresh starts, happy new year, Years review

2023 – The Favorites

I was going to do a Best Of list to wrap up the year, but I have always found those so hard to do. What makes something the best? It is just so hard to quantify. So instead I’m going with my heart and sharing favorite moments and things from the year. Apologies if I switch up my spelling of the word favorite throughout this post. I grew up in England and find it hard not to put that special u in every now and then. As rebellions go, it’s pretty harmless and and I mostly don’t have any control over it.

Favourite Product

This joyful Confetti Sweatshirt was my favorite thing to make this year, and FINALLY became one of my best sellers (I always had faith in it, what took you guys so long?) Side note: I call it Confetti, but really it is inspired by the Pic ‘n’ Mix sweet selections I grew up obsessed with in England.

Favourite Project

The Sari project! This was a project for a friend, and she had a lot of input into the colors and print I used. We really weren’t sure how it would turn out, but look how gorgeous it (and she) is! Hopefully I will be printing more sarees in the future?

Favorite New Technique

Cyanotypes – So simple, yet so effective and full of possibilities! I’m absolutely hooked, and will keep playing with this technique next year. I have been embroidering on my prints and hope to start selling them as fabric mending patches in the Spring. VERY excited about this.

Favourite Collaborator

My lovely witty partner in crime, Anjali, who is leaving for Art college in the Fall. Whatever will I do without you? The first prints I ever made for Noctiluna clothing were inspired by her toddler doodlings. She has been my head counselor and co-conspirator at the Noctiluna Summer camp for years. This is her company as much as mine and I’ll miss her sorely when she does take flight, but I can’t wait to see all the amazing things she will do.

Favourite Event

There were many amazing shows and events to pick from, but purely from a best vibes point of view, Holiday Heap wins. What a show – the shoppers were so friendly and supportive of the local arts scene. Also, I think the DJ may be my actual musical soulmate.

Favorite Spots

Umm, firstly my home. The older I get, the more I appreciate the comfort and beauty of quiet moments at home. I’m basically a cat that can read. Sunny spots, sofas, books, naps. Don’t judge me.
Secondly, my old home. I traveled back to a few childhood haunts this summer and Wimbledon Common and Wimbledon Park were places that filled me with joy and contentment this year.

Favorite Read

The Island of missing Trees by Elif Shafak was absolutely beautiful, and has started me on a reading voyage through all of Shafak’s books. To anyone who has had to uproot themselves and start over in a new place, I wholeheartedly recommend this book (and also to everyone else).

Favorite Exhibit

Simone Leigh at the Hirshhorn was mind blowing. I’m no good at writing about art, anything I say will diminish its power. It is on until March 3 2024, so go and see it for yourself and check out the John Akomfrah exhibits while you are there – also amazing.

Okay, I’m cutting myself off before this post gets unwieldy. 2023 was a bit of a tough year workwise, but also full of lovely moments, people, and things. I have high hopes for 2024 and I hope you do too.

Happy New Year, I wish you many, many, wonderful experiences and happiness for 2024. Don’t be a stranger. Much love, Chitra.

About Author

Artist, Educator, Parent, Small Business Owner, Big kid from a big city, in a small town.

(2) Comments

  1. Edith says:

    How beautiful, Chitra!! I LOVE your list. You really highlight the simple things in life, which are the most valuable things we have. I’m so grateful to have met and learned from you, and I very much appreciate your sharing your journey through your pictures and writing. (And I don’t mind the ‘u’s in your spellings. It’s just a part of who you are.😅)

    I calculate that I have moved more than a dozen times in my life (either within the US or overseas). So thanks for the book recommendation!

    I wish for you and yours many blessings for the coming year! Namaste…🙏🏾😌

    1. noctiluna says:

      Thank you, Edith! I wish you the very best of everything for 2024!

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