Showing 5 Result(s)
design, productivity, wellness

Doing A Lot And Very Little At The Same Time – My Unique Work Week.

I’m going on vacation next week (yay!) so, of course, this week was supposed to be a week of frenzied non-stop work, and last minute run-around chores (boo!). If my Fitbit had not broken (Again. Seriously, design a better strap already.) it should be clocking impressive miles. However, a three hour long pediatrician appointment on Tuesday, a two hour …

screen printing, wellness

My Week So Far/ or Screen Printing and Self Help

I’m not even sure what to write for this weekly dispatch. My brain seems to have congealed into a sticky, overheated mess. I’m pretty sure that I’ve done quite a lot this week, my body certainly feels like it has done a lot, but my brain feels as limp as a jellyfish, and refuses to …

Travel, wellness, Years review

Reflecting on 2016

Before I move on and start outlining my hopes for 2017, let’s put this baby to bed properly! In 2016… I turned forty (finally, after waiting a whole forty years for this to happen). It’s strange to explain but, forty has always seemed like the perfect age to be, for me anyway. I have always expected to …

design, productivity

Parenting, Working, and Not Working

I am more thankful than usual that it is a Friday, this week has been nothing but an uphill struggle. First of all, there was/is the dark, dank weather, the howling wind, and the general feeling that Dementors are floating about in my neighborhood. Then, seeing as it is Springtime (can you sense my sarcasm?), my nine year old …


A Sparkly Book Review

“You should read this book” my eight year old told me “I think you will really like it” The book in question is Neil Gaiman’s Fortunately The Milk, and she was right, I loved it. I’m not above reading kids’ books, in fact I love kids’ books. Actually I love all types of books, but lately …