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craft shows, Washington DC

And The Award For Craftiest Bastard Goes To…

The vendors!! Crafty Bastards DC was last weekend. This year the venerable craft show was held in a new location that proved a challenge to all who turned up toting bags and boxes of precious, hand crafted treasures. It had rained overnight, and water had seeped into the tent, which had been pitched over a …

art and design, crafter, creativity, design, fairs and markets, motivation, multitasking, small business, textile design, Uncategorized, working from home

Being hugged back by your town

So I managed to get through two fairs in a row, Mclean Day, and ViVa Vienna! (yes it is meant to be written that way). To summarize briefly, Mclean day was cold, soggy, and just okay as far as experiences go, and ViVa Vienna was……….AWESOME! I love having a booth at ViVa Vienna. I live …