Showing 2 Result(s)
2013, art and design, crafter, creativity, design, education, family, inspiration, kids, letting go, motivation, multitasking, obstacles, operate by interruption, parenting, planning, schedule, small business, spontaneity, textile design, Uncategorized, work ethic, working from home

My New Workmate

You might have noticed that I have not been blogging much lately, (I’m not sure whom I’m referring to when I write ‘you’ – in all probability, my regular followers have dropped like flies by now!). Anyway, my circumstances have changed a bit recently. I now have an almost-three-year old sharing my workspace with me all …


Taking advice from a five year old

I showed my recent mono-print experiments to my 5 year old. “What do you think?” I asked waving the images in front of her face. She looked up from her My Little Pony coloring book and gazed critically at the work for a good minute, no expression on her face. Then she cocked her head …